Nick Esson

Nick Esson, slightly out of focus at the 5th OEL Annual Lunch, October 2011

1974 – ventured to Warsaw Book Fair – totally lost but found some blocked zlotys and a party on a river boat; also began travelling to Scandinavia

1977 onwards – joined Allen & Unwin and sold Tolkien’s Sellamillion and other relevant works to Middle East & Southern Europe

1981 onwards – started exploring Asia – particularly India

1982 onwards – also sent into darkest Africa – searched for rivers of gold; then found Canada and Mexico

1991 – left Allen & Unwin and founded UCL Press – success based on export sales, particularly to the US, Asia and Europe

1997 – sold UCL Press; consulted and taught in Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan

1998 – founded Combined Academic Publishers, representing and distributing North American university presses in EMEA

2012 onwards – still working & still travelling 
